Our Service Area has been SUPERSIZED!!

Part of our commitment to being the absolute best and most complete service center for mountain and road bikes in Marin, over the winter we made a lot more room for working on your bikes in our service area!
You might have noticed that we can park a large recreational vehicle in there now (might scare the neighbors so we won't!).
It all came together after a series of things fell into place -- we've been wanting to do this for a long time! We were able to move some racks into the small space behind us and combined with getting those cool new red stands you see we just thought the time was ripe -- after 46 years! -- to give us and your bikes some elbow room!
There's a whole story behind those stands -- to be told another time -- but you will not see those in just any bike shop. They are the bike shop equivalent of a small town fire department having a hook and ladder truck. They are crazy nice!
Check it all out next time you are by Sunshine!!
(note in the blowup below Justin is in the midst of performing a secret Samurai Wheel Truing, taking the sad, broken and untrue wheel and reconnecting it to its oneness by reintroducing it into the ground just at the correct time and angle...)